Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Agnst of Wating, Third Time's the Charm

Although I don't plan on writing every day, I think that it has definitly been a long time since I've written last. Some of it has been the pain of waiting. It only took three months (since we started trying after the Marathon) to get pregnant, and it seemed like waiting forever. But Shannon and I have friends that have waited much longer, or who have never been able to conceive.
If your thinking goes anything like mine, there is a couple things that go through your head when you think about how long this process can or has taken for you. Why do some people that seem to be able to take care of a baby financially, emotionally and the such take so long? And why do these people who are incapable of taking care of children have children so easily? You think of these children who are having children. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who struggles with this?

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